Metro Nashville Democratic Socialist Councilman Sean Parker Calls for Ceasefire as Hamas Boasts of Its Atrocities

Metro Nashville Councilman Sean Parker, like many of his leftist friends, has demanded Israel stop its war to root out the terrorist network Hamas.

Parker should know the kind of evil Israel is up against.

“Ceasefire, release hostages, end the blockade,” Parker wrote last week on his Twitter / X account, responding to a post declaring that more than 200 protesters at a New York City Democratic Socialists of America rally calling for a #Ceasefire had been arrested.

Parker, of course, is a proud founding member of the Democratic Socialists of America-Middle Tennessee Chapter, the radical leftist organization behind pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel rallies in Nashville.

The group has claimed that “Middle Tennessee fund the Zionist military and contribute to the brutal subjugation of Palestinians.”

DSA has had a real hard time seeing the brutality of the so-called “freedom fighters” of Hamas who systematically murdered Israelis during a joyous Jewish holiday — the largest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.

On Tuesday, the Jewish News Syndicate published a piece reminding the world what a barbaric band of butchers Hamas is — according to Hamas.

The story, headlined, “Hamas Terrorists Confess to Raping Jewish Dead, Beheading Children,” follows Israel Defense Forces showing foreign journalists footage of the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists during their October 7 assault on southern Israel.

The IDF this week published two segments from the interrogation of Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre.

One suspect said: “The plan was to go from house to house, throw grenades and kill everyone there, including women and children.” He also told interrogators that Hamas had instructed them to behead their victims.

“The purpose of entering Israeli territory… was to kidnap civilians; they want as many hostages as possible,” one of the terrorists revealed, according to JNS. “They [Hamas] promised us that whoever brings a kidnapped person will receive an apartment and $10,000.”

And then there are these admissions by the terrorists, according to the JNS piece:

Another terrorist talked about the instructions to seize Sufa military post and kill the residents of Kfar Aza, saying: “The instructions were to kidnap anyone we came across—elderly, women and children. We were ordered to kill everyone in Kfar Aaza and empty the kibbutz of its people. In one case we entered a home and saw another group holding the family hostage, they were using them as human shields so that they would not get hurt.”

Another terrorist who participated in the Kfar Aza massacre said, “We entered one of the houses; there was a woman on the floor, and then her dog came towards us so I shot the dog. After that, we noticed a man in the yard of the house, and I shot him with three bullets.”

Asked whether the man in the yard had been armed, the terrorist replied, “No, he was not armed. I shot him in the chest with three bullets when he was not holding any weapon at all.”

“Afterward,” he continued, “we roamed around the area, and we saw two adjacent houses at a specific point in Kfar Aza, and we burned both of them completely.”

The terrorist also told investigators he had raped one of the corpses.

Congress’ “Squad” members, led by leftist Israel-hater U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-12), are pushing a resolution urging the Biden administration to call for an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Israel and Palestine to send humanitarian aid and assistance to Gaza and to save as many lives as possible.

“The United States bears a unique responsibility to exhaust every diplomatic tool at our disposal to prevent mass atrocities and save lives. We can’t bomb our way to peace, equality, and freedom. With thousands of lives lost and millions more at stake, we need a ceasefire now,” said U.S. Representative Cori Bush (D-MO-01).

It’s not difficult to understand why Israel, surrounded by terrorists and state funders of terrorism in the name of wiping out Israel, isn’t much interested in ceasefire proposals.

Nashville’s Democratic Socialist city council member doesn’t see it. He seems to think a ceasefire will protect Israel from further Hamas terrorism. The people devastated by Hamas beg to differ.

Parker did not return The Tennessee Star’s request for comment.

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M.D. Kittle is the National Political Editor for The Star News Network.
Photo “Sean Parker” by Sean Parker. Background Photo “Hamas Supporters” by Hoheit (¿!). CC BY-SA 2.0.



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7 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Democratic Socialist Councilman Sean Parker Calls for Ceasefire as Hamas Boasts of Its Atrocities”




    I cannot believe this is the same city where Mayor Ben West historically stopped Jim Crow Laws like Segregation at public places, has a bigot terrorist sharing the same air that I breathe.
    Sean Parker may say he is a Socialist, but in fact he is Communist. Who are the people in civilized America who can support Hamas, a proxy terrorist organization for Iran? They chant Death to America on a daily basis. They are uncivilized Barbarians who beheaded babies, raped the women, killed children in front of their parents, burned people alive & took innocent hostages in Israel. They hide themselves in hospitals & schools bc they know Israel being a civilized democracy would never bomb such places. They pay pensions to families whose sons will sacrifice their lives to kill Israeli innocents. Sean Parker supports pure evil & should be excommunicated from our Nashville Metro Council. RECALL this enemy of civilization.

  3. I think we should help Mr. parker pack up his things and ship him over to Gaza for a few months so he can get a real feel for things over there. We have enough morons in Nashville government to cover for him while he is gone.

    This real life experience should provide him with a solid perspective, next time he opens his mouth.

  4. Heloise

    If Sean Parker is a socialist, he doesn’t care about protecting Israel.

    Socialist & communists have historically been Jew-haters, from Karl Marx and his Russian devotees down through Hitler’s National Socialists, the Maoist Chinese to Castro’s Latin America dictators.

  5. nicky wicks

    the face of leftist nashville. they want to make nashville san Francisco.

  6. Randall Davidson

    Mr. Parker and Ms. Suara need to go.

  7. Nashville Deplorable

    Democratic Socialist Scum of America.
